Deposit Cougar CASH
Cougar CASH is not accepted for the payment of tuition or housing expenses.
You can make your deposit in 3 easy steps:
- On this page, enter WSU ID number and month/day of birth date (yours or the person
you are depositing for) to make sure you deposit to the correct account. Or,
using your network ID and password.
- On the next page, Enter the amount of money you would like to deposit, email address
if you would like to receive an email receipt.
- Finally, enter the payment method (Visa or MasterCard) and credit card information (No convenience fee is charged when using a Visa or MasterCard to add funds to Cougar CASH.)
Deposit to Your Own Account
For improved service, WSU students, staff and faculty may log in to add money
to your Cougar CASH or Dining Dollars Account, and also review your balance and
transaction history.